Course Syllabus

HTM131 Customer Service Management

Instructor Information









Office Hours

By appointment

General Information

Course Description

This course provides an in-depth study of the methods and techniques employed by the hospitality and tourism industry to accomplish effective and efficient customer service operation. Includes combined discussions of management theory, systems, decision-making, and leadership directly relevant to any profession with emphasis on the hospitality industry. Also covers the business facets of human resource management, finance, ethics, and total quality management with a business environment.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

·       Explain the elements of a service culture and what separates average and excellent customer service

·       Identify consumer behaviors and needs as they relate to customer decisions

·       Identify factors that help better serve a diverse customer base

·       Describe how to build and maintain trust as related to quality service

Online Office Hours

I will be available by appointment. Students may use the online appointment manager to schedule a face-to-face meeting in Pendleton, a phone meeting, or a videoconference using the Zoom software. To log in to Zoom, go to my Virtual Office at the top of Modules in Canvas.

Required Text

This course uses free, open resources.

Communication Policy

Student Expectations

Students are expected to log into this course at least twice per week to review course announcements, assigned content, discussion postings, and projects. Due dates are included in Canvas for all assignments, and no late work will be accepted. Post any questions about the course to the Course Questions discussion at the top of Modules in Canvas. Please regularly check your student email, too.

In all communications, students are expected to adhere to the rules of netiquette. Netiquette is the social expectations for respectfully working and communicating with other people on the Internet. Please visit Albion’s Netiquette Home Page if you have any questions: 

Instructor Expectations

Just as students are expected to check into Canvas regularly, so will I. My preferred form of communication for course questions is through the Course Questions discussion at the top of Modules in Canvas. For personal questions or comments, please use Canvas’ email feature. During the work week, I should normally respond to questions within 48 hours.

While I will try to grade throughout the work week, students may expect that course work will be graded within one (1) week from the due date. The weekly discussions are for students to interact, and I will comment to each student individually about his or her posting and comments to other students.

Throughout the term, I will post announcements alerting students to additional learning resources or campus events. Those announcements will be at the top of the Module page in Canvas.



The student’s progress will be evaluated according to the following scale:

Discussions                             50%
Project #1                                20%
Project #2                                30%

Final grades will be determined by A = 100-90%, B = 89-80%, C = 79-70%, D = 69-60%, and F = 59-0%.

Academic Honesty

changes will be listed in the course announcements.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due