Word Document 8--Table of Contents
- Due Oct 19, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Document 8--Table of Contents
Objective: Create a Table of Contents (Automatically), By Applying Word Styles to Text. Update the TOC with new headings. Add a footer. Keep the footer from displaying on the first page. Move various images (logo, lines) on the document. This feature works well in report writing, creating manuals, and business documents.
Sample Solution (Four Pages When Completed)
Open and Read Document
Open the file BizNewsPub_12/11/2020. Save the document as Document_8_xx.
Scroll through the document and read it. This document is developed by the State of Oregon each week to highlight business activities around each region in the state.
Move Border Line/Source Information
Find the border line and source information at the top of Page 2.
Carefully, highlight to cut and paste the line to a new location on the last page of the document at the very bottom after the last entry.
Cut and paste the source text as well to the last page, under the border line.
Remove extra bullets, by clicking on those lines, and using the Home Tabb>>Paragraph Group>>Bullets button (choose none).
Bullets are not necessary for those last two lines.
Position the line so its centered. If you click on it and it won't move, change the Text Wrapping on that image to Tight. That should allow it to move freely.
Adding Styles to Text/Modify Styles
We will be formatting this document further and adding a Table of Contents.
To create a Table of Contents (TOC), specific text needs a style added to it.
The styles gallery is found under the Home Tab, Styles Grouping. There are varying styles preset to use on documents.
Modify the Heading 1 style by right click on it, Modify. Change the font to 14 pt. Bold, Green, Accent 6, Darker 50% font color.
Modify the Heading 2 style by right click on it, Modify. Change the font to 13 pt. Bold, Orange, Accent 2, Darker 25%
Apply Heading 1 Style
On each region's heading, Oregon Coast, Southern Oregon, etc., add a Heading 1 style
Highlight the text, then find the Home tab>>Styles group>>Heading 1 style.
Repeat the process, until all regions are set to a Heading 1 style.
Using styles is the trick to getting Word to make a table of contents.
Add regions should be the font color from setting above.
Adding A Footer
Let’s add a footer, with italic text at the left that reads:
Business News/Oregon, December 11, 2020
Make sure you didn't add a footnote, that is different.
Footnotes will have a number and line at the bottom of the page.
Generating a TOC (Table of Contents)
TOCs help designate topic location, and content. Technical reports commonly require TOCs.
Put your cursor at the top of the first page
Insert a new, blank page at the beginning of the document. (Page Layout Tab>>Breaks Button>>Next Page Break)
A blank page is the first page now. This is where the Table of Contents will be generated.
On this first blank page, put your cursor at the top.
Choose the References Tab>>Table of Contents button>>Insert Automatic Table 2.
A TOC will be generated. Notice it made headings because of the Heading 1 styles applied earlier.
Change Margins
For things to fit better, set your margins to .5 for both top and bottom, and 1 inch for left and right.
Use Ctrl A to select all the text in the document
Change the margins to new settings. (Layout Tab>>Margins>>Custom Margins)
Edit the TOC Title
Move the TOC title to center alignment, apply a 14 pt. bold.
Add the same green, bold font as used on Heading 1.
If TOC isn't fitting to one page, make the font smaller on that text only.
Resave the Document.
Adding Heading 2 Style (Business Names Only)
On each of the regional areas, the business names are formatted in bold text. Other text is bold like city, but we do not want to include that in our TOC. On each region, highlight those business names only, and add a Heading 2 style to each business name.
Update the TOC--position cursor on TOC page and right click it the TOC Box Control at the top, and choose Update Entire Table.
The TOC should show both regions and business name, with both the Heading 1 and Heading 2 styles text included.
Resave the document.
Remove Footer From First Page Only
Remove the footer from the first page (really don’t need it), by right clicking in that footer of the first page (not the others), choosing Edit Footer, then look for the command in the header/footer menus at top of screen, and click the Different First Page box.
It will indicate it is a First Page Footer, which can be left blank. The regular Footer just reads Footer.
Special menus appearing when you are working on certain features. As just used, the Header/Footer menu is specific to working in a header/footer. These are contextual menus. They disappear when you are not in that footer. Contextual menus appear with Word tables, pictures, etc. .
Final Review
Does your TOC fit to one page?
Do not leave blank pages in the middle of the document.
Blank pages can be removed by clicking on them, and touching Backspace key until they disappear.
Or, if you switch to View Tab>>View Grouping>> Draft View you can see the dividing lines on pages to delete them. A little trickier though.
Move the state banner/logo so it is centered above the regional and business data, starting on Page 2.
If you click on it and it won't move, change the Text Wrapping on that image to Tight. That should allow it to move freely.
Submit Final Document
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Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Open File, Change Filename
Add a Footer, Correct Italic Text and Date (Business News/Oregon, December 11, 2020)
Add Heading 1 Style, Generate a TOC
Edit the TOC Title, Centered/Reads Table of Contents
Add Heading 2 Styles to Business Name, Update Table of Contents
Hide Footer, First Page
Adjust State Banner for Best Fit, Center
Overall Proofreading, Spelling, General Layout
Move horizontal line and Source Text--End of Document
Modify the Heading 1 (14 Pt. Bold, Green, Accent 6, Darker 50%) Heading 2 (13 Pt. Bold, Orange, Accent 2, Darker 25%)
Change Margins, One Inch, Text is Arrange for Best Professional Fit
Total Points:
out of 100