Word Document 11--Merge Letters
- Due Oct 19, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Document 11--Merge Letters
Objective: Merge a list of names in a Word table, to a Word business letter. Produce six letters, automatically, designated to each person, by using the merge feature.
Sample Solution (You will have more than two letters when completed, from the list of names you merged.)
Review the People File
- Open the file called Merge Data for Letter. Take a look and review what is contained in this file (how many people, what data).
- Click in the last row/last cell of the table. Touch the Tab key, which will make a new blank row.
- In the new row, make up a new name/title, etc.
- Save this file to your storage device using the name that’s on it. This is your data source. Close the file.
- We will be taking these names/data and merging them into a letter. Each person will get a letter personalized with their information.
Review the Business Letter
- Open the file Letter1. Save the file (which will be considered your form letter) as Document 11A_xx.
- The letter is block style format meaning text is not indented.
Add Components to the Letter
- Add today’s date where the date placeholder is, spelling out the date.
- (Example: January 20, 2020)
- Add your first and last name at the bottom of the letter, replacing the name placeholder text. Add your title (CEO or President, Etc. Your name goes on one line, then your made up job title on the line under that.
- Delete the Account Manager title if you don't use it. You only need one job title.
Begin Mail Merge Process
Hints For Mail Merge (MAC USERS, the buttons are available, but the mail merge wizard is not available. Relate the information for PC, on the MAC.)
- Begin the mail merge process; use the existing list from the file Merge Data for Letter (Hint: Mailings tab>>Start Mail Merge group>>Start Mail Merge button>>Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard.) (This is a six-step process.)
- Step 1: Use Letter1 (Document 11A) as document type.
- Step 2: Use Current document and Select recipients. Use Existing List, then Browse to open the file called Merge Data for Letter. Click OK after viewing the data.
Add Merge Codes
- Step 3: Write your letter. For each of the data fields in brackets ([ and ]), replace it with a merge field; for example, highlight [Title], click on Insert Merge Field on the Mailings ribbon, and then select the Title merge field from the list. Be careful not to remove the spaces needed between the merge fields (for example, between Title, First Name, and Last Name). Keep punctuation as needed. Be sure to delete the brackets though. The true merge code will have chevrons around it. Example <<First Name>>.
Add Merge Codes in Paragraph
- Do not forget to add a merge code field for Account Number field in the second paragraph. Do not forget the merge codes for the title and the last name in the salutation. (Example: Dear Mr. Johns:)
- Add a comma and space between City and State fields as needed.
- Space twice between the state and zip code fields.
Finish the Merge
- Step 4: When finished adding the merge fields, click on Preview Results button (Mailing tab, Preview Results Group, Preview Results Button), which will show you the actual letters containing the data in place of the merge fields
- Use the arrow keys next to the Preview Results button to look through the letters. Check for spacing errors, brackets that need deleted, etc.
- If you need to make changes, click Preview Results again, and modify your fields and text in the original letter (form).
- Step 5: When finished, click the Finish & Merge button, Edit Individual Documents, All.
- If completed correctly, there will be six letters (pages) in this new document!
- Save this file as Document 11B_xx. Close it to return to your original (form) document (Document 11A).
- In the original (form) document there will be one page. Save your merge form letter again (Document 11A_xx). Close it.
- Submit both files.
- There must be five merged letters to give credit.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Setup Letter, Add date, student name, job title.
Add Merge Codes, Recipient Information.
Add Merge Code, Account Number
Correct Spacing, and commas, no spelling errors.
Merge and Produce Letters for each person
Total Points:
out of 100