Word Document 1--Technology Words/Design Skills
- Due Oct 12, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 50
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Word Document 1--Alphabetizing/Sorting Text in Groups, Cool Formatting Tools
Objective: Edit a Word file by changing fonts, adding bold, moving text, sorting text (automatically), utilizing format painter feature and reviewing computer terminology.
Sample Solution
Open A File
Download and then Open the file Computer Vocabulary file in Word. It needs to be in Word to edit. (Files can be found in Week 2 folders under the files link.)
Read and scroll through the document. Select the entire document (Use CTRL key>>A) and change the font to Arial 12 point.
Change font for the main title to Arial, bold, 14 point
Save the file as Document_1_xx with your initials on the end.
Alphabetically Sort a Section of Vocabulary (Automatically)
Rearrange the bulleted paragraphs (use the sort feature) so that they are in alphabetical order within each terminology section.
(Hint: Highlight the first set of bullets, then under the Home Tab>>Paragraph Group>>Sort button, choose the sort by paragraph option. This is quicker, then sorting them by cut and paste).
Repeat for other bulleted sections. Do not highlight the side headings, just the bullets when sorting.
Move A Section of Vocabulary
Highlight and Move/Cut the Software Terminology section (heading and terms) to be the last bulleted section in the document.
Change the side headings to be bold font. Side headings describe what's coming in the next section. It can draw the reader's eye to a specific part of a report, or list, making it easier to follow.
Use Format Painter Button
Double Click within the side heading you just formatted bold.
Find the format painter button (File Tab>>Clipboard Group>>resembles a paint brush).
This button remembers any format (example: font, color, bold, italic) used in a document text that you select. It works like a paintbrush, you swipe it over the text that you want the new format applied too.
Use the format painter button to apply bold to the other side headings. You may have to re-select the painter button to use again.
Final Formatting
Change the top/bottom margins to .5". (Layout Tab>>Margins>>Custom Margins). Input the setting you want.
Make sure that your side headings stay with the related terms, do not allow a side heading to be on one page and its related terms on the next page unless at least two lines appear on one page and then two lines on the top of the next page.. Make adjustments to keep them together if necessary.
Add a subtitle under the main title with these words By Your Name. Use your name in the subtitle behind the word By.
Spell check the document. (Review Tab>>Spelling/Grammar Button).
Save and Upload the File
Resave the File: Document_1_xx. Upload the file.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
File has been named correctly. Main title and subtitle (byline) are created.
12 Point Font Terms, 14 Point Font Titles
Alphabetize each section of terms. Move section as directed. Apply bold type to side headings.
Document has correct format and layout per assignment instructions and standard format protocol.
Correct bullets, byline, layout.
Total Points:
out of 50