Word Document 13--Pendleton's Top Employers
- Due Oct 19, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 50
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Oct 12, 2020 at 12am - Nov 6, 2020 at 11:59pm
Document 13--Pendleton Employers Word Table
Objective: Create a Word table, of Pendleton's Top (Largest) Employers. Format for best professional look and style. Create an Average math formula using the Table features of Word.
Sample Solution
Read the Information
Refer to the following list of employers below. Review the information so you know what your are about to type.
Create A New Word Table
- Create a new Word table with three columns and enough rows to show the main title, each employer, and the last two lines all in separate rows.
- Either use the grid shown to draw the correct number of rows and columns for your table, or the Insert Table command to input your table requirements. (Hint: Insert Menu>>Table Group>> Table Button.)
Inputting Information
- Retype the information below into your table, with ranking numbers in Column 1, employer name in Column 2 and employee numbers in Column 3. (Hint: Include the numbers using the Numbering button (select the cells where you want the numbers before clicking the Numbering button) or key them in manually. Right align the numbers so they align at the period.)
- Insert a new row under the last employer name. (Hint: Table Tools menu, Layout tab, Rows and Columns group, and Insert Above or Below, depending on where your cursor is positioned.)
Create an Average Formula
- In the last column, create an average calculation using Word table formulas to find the average number of employees for these employers. Format the results with 0 decimals.
- Hint: Click on cell you want the formula result. Table Tools>>Layout>>Data>Formula
- Type this formula in the formula box. =Average(Above) This tells Word to average the numbers above. Set the number format to display the results with no decimals. Look at your answer and see if it is logical.
Merge Two Columns
- Merge the first two columns in the Average Row into one column. Add the words Average in that cell to show what your new calculation means. The average results should be in the column to the right
Edit Source Information
- The last two rows contain source information. Merge all 3 columns and key the source information in one cell (keep each on a separate line within the same cell). Your sample below shows it merged.
- Do key the comma between Directory and the year (this is not a value for calculation).
Format Your Table with Special Design (Pick One)
- Apply a table format of your choice. Be sure your choice works well for this data. Apply other formats as you like.
- You have a whole page to work with, so do not leave a small table on a whole page.
- Column 1 should not be very wide. Column 2 should be wide enough that employer names don't wrap over two lines. Column 3 should narrow too.
- The numbers should be right aligned in their cells, it just makes it easier to read. Do you need a comma in the value that is greater than 999? Vertical alignment in each cell should be consistent and make for easy reading across the rows.
- Center the table horizontally on the page, too. (Table Tools Menu>>Layout Tab>>Table Group>>Properties Button>>Table Tab>>Center Align.)
Save and Review
- Save the document as Document_13_xx and submit.
Word Tables, A Super Great Feature
- Word tables provide us a great way to display things in columns and rows, adding some format, and perform some calculations, if needed. We use them often in real-life documents; they are a good thing to learn.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Create Word Table, Three Columns, Add Design Format
Input Companies, Employee Numbers
Create and Display Average Formula, No Decimals
Merge Last Rows, Include Source Information
No formatting, display errors, good column width, etc.
Total Points:
out of 50