World Realms, 2022

World Realms, 2022

World Realms, 2022 Version

Lincoln A. DeBunce
Blue Mountain Community College


You have reached the Open Education Resource book "World Realms, 2022 Version," by Lincoln A. DeBunce, Blue Mountain Community College. Creation of the online text was made possible by an OpenOregon Grant. You may use this material under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

The design of the book is to provide an introductory chapter covering the physical and demographic setting, followed by nine regional chapters that provide a short overview and cultural awareness topic of the world's realms. The intent is to create a workable framework that can be tailored to the requirements of an instructor, especially those who need to cover the world in ten short weeks. Supplemental readings, videos, map work, quizzes and more can be added.

The way I designed an introduction to a world/regional ten-week online course is to assign one chapter per week. I added map quizzes, video quizzes, and knowledge checks over the readings. If you would like more information on this book or these ancillary materials, including quizzes for the provided chapters, please feel free to email me at

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