Course Syllabus
General Psychology PSY 201 Online Course
Term: Spring 2021
Communication between the instructor and the student most often will be through emails and announcements in Canvas. It is best to communicate with your instructor through Canvas or through the school email system. If you are struggling with a concept or a technical issue, please contact me.
I check email Monday through Friday throughout the day (8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.), and I will try to respond within 24-48 hours. I may not respond to emails sent on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, or sent on holidays until the next working day.
If you would like to talk by phone or by Zoom, please email a request and we will schedule a meeting.
If I have an emergency situation that might cause me to not be able to communicate with you for an extended period of time, I will send a notification both in an announcement and through email.
Note: Remember that communication with an instructor should be both professional and courteous. Composing and sending an email when frustrated or angry is not a good idea. Give yourself time to calm down and consider how to approach the problem. Also, when corresponding by email, please include the course number in the subject line and sign your first and last name to the email.
You are responsible for all information on this syllabus. Due dates for all course work are included and late work is not accepted after the two-day grace period.
This course is the first of two courses that are designed to provide an introduction to the subject of psychology. In taking these classes, you will learn about the history of psychology, basic principles of psychology, and the many areas of study that psychology is related to. Biological, cognitive, behavioral, and affective areas of study will be discussed. This information provides a basis of knowledge for further study in psychology and may also be applied to your own life.
During this quarter we will study topics such as the history of psychology, the brain and its relation to psychological functioning, how science applies to psychology, learning, memory, thought and intelligence, sensation and perception, and sleep and dreaming. As you are introduced to each new concept, a greater understanding of how psychology affects our everyday lives will emerge.
The textbook is built into the study plans in each chapter. This allows students to read sections of the chapter and practice with terms and concepts as you follow the readings. If you need a hard copy of the text, it is called 'Psychology' (1st edition) published by OpenStax.
Outcome 1: Demonstrate core psychological knowledge
Objective 1.a: Define and use psychological terms
Objective 1.b: Describe psychological concepts and relate to everyday life
Objective 1.c: Apply psychological theories to issues in everyday life
Outcome 2: Differentiate between empirical and other methods of inquiry
Objective 2.a: Discuss ways to scientifically respond to a psychological question
Objective 2.b: Identify various research designs and their applications to a research question
Objective 2.c: Interpret and evaluate qualitative and/or quantitative data
Outcome 3: Apply knowledge and skills to contemporary psychological issues
Objective 3.a: Identify and evaluate information resources
Objective 3.b: Communicate knowledge of issues through writing and discussion
Outcome 4: Recognize the diversity of human experience and thought individually and collectively
Objective 4.a: Describe how nature and nurture influence the individual
To complete this course successfully, you should do the following:
- read all assigned chapters and complete the activities within each chapter study plan
- view all videos provided in the study plans
- complete assignments for each chapter including any discussions, worksheets, and quizzes
- take all tests
- complete all coursework, including exams, by the due dates
- plan ahead and use time wisely. The course has weekly due dates so you should be working on the course each day.
Syllabus Quiz: After you have read the syllabus, take the syllabus quiz. This is an open-note quiz, therefore you can refer to your syllabus for the answers. Be sure to complete the syllabus quiz by the due date to receive credit.
Self-Introduction Discussion: You should introduce yourself to the class, stating who you are, why you are taking this class, and what your educational goals are. You can also share other information such as where you are from and hobbies/interests you have if you would like. You need to add your introduction to the discussion by the due date to receive credit.
Course Readings & Assignments: All readings and assignments are listed under the chapter headings.
Study Plans: For each chapter, you will complete the study plans by reading sections of the chapter and completing self-check quizzes. You can earn 5 points per study plan if you complete all self-check quizzes within the plan by the due date.
Discussions: In some of the chapter modules, you will need to answer a discussion question. The discussions are worth five points each and must be submitted by the due date to receive credit.
Chapter Assignments: In some of the chapter modules, you will see assignments that will be completed after you finish the study plan and before you take the chapter quiz. These assignments are worth five points and must be completed by the due date to receive credit.
Chapter Quizzes: For each chapter, there will be a chapter quiz containing multiple-choice questions. The quizzes are worth 20 points each. These quizzes can be taken twice. After the first attempt, a study plan will be provided based on your performance. You can then go back to the parts of the chapter that need improvement and study before taking the quiz again.
Midterm and Final Exam in Canvas: A midterm exam worth 100 points and a final exam worth 100 points will be given. The midterm and final will have a time limit of 75 minutes each. The midterm and final will open and close on specific dates and must be completed within this time period. If the midterm or final exam is not completed, it will result in a score of zero. No make-ups for the midterm or final will be available so please plan carefully.
Last Date to Complete Coursework: Be sure to pay attention to the due dates for all coursework. It would be best to work ahead and not wait until the grace period to try and finish work.
Extra-credit: I do not offer extra-credit in this course.
GRACE PERIOD: Everyone in the class may use the two-day grace period for each due date. Most of the coursework is due each Monday of the term, but students who need additional time to complete the work can submit until Wednesday of that week. For example, the first chapter assignments are due April 5 but the grace period would allow you to submit work until April 7.
Possible Points
Syllabus Quiz 10 points
Self-Introduction 5 points
Study Plans 8 @ 5 points each 40 points
Discussions 5 @ 5 points each 25 points
Chapter Assignments 5 @ 5 points each 25 points
Chapter quizzes 8 @ 20 points each 160 points
Midterm Exam 100 points
Final Exam 100 points
Total Points: 465 points
Grades in this class are recorded in Canvas gradebook. Grades will be determined according to how many points are earned throughout the quarter. Note: Point totals may change during the term. If this occurs, an updated point scale will be provided to you.
The grading scale is as follows:
89.5% to 100% (416-465 points) A
79.5% to 89.4% (370-415 points) B
69.5% to 79.4% (323-369 points) C
59.5% to 69.4% (277-322 points) D
59.4% or below (276 points or less) F
Incompletes: I do not allow incomplete grades unless you have a serious illness or there is a death in the immediate family. You must provide written proof of the above, have at least ¾ of the work finished, and have a grade of 70% or higher at the time of the request in order to receive an incomplete. There will be no exceptions.
Cheating/Plagiarizing Policy: Academic cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Cheating or plagiarizing on an assignment or exam will result in zero points for the assignment or exam and may result in a failing grade in the course.
Special Needs Statement:
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |
Fri Apr 2, 2021 | Discussion Topic Introduce Yourself | due by 11:59pm |
Quiz Syllabus Quiz | due by 11:59pm | |
Mon Apr 5, 2021 | Discussion Topic Discussion: Foundations of Psychology | due by 11:59pm |
Assignment Assignment: Psychological Perspectives | due by 11:59pm | |
Assignment Study Plan: Psychological Foundations | due by 11:59pm | |
Tue Apr 6, 2021 | Assignment Quiz: Psychological Foundations | due by 11:59pm |
Mon Apr 12, 2021 | Assignment Assignment: Identifying Variables | due by 11:59pm |
Assignment Study Plan: Psychological Research | due by 11:59pm | |
Tue Apr 13, 2021 | Assignment Quiz: Psychological Research | due by 11:59pm |
Mon Apr 19, 2021 | Assignment Assignment: Brain Stories | due by 11:59pm |
Assignment Study Plan: Biopsychology | due by 11:59pm | |
Tue Apr 20, 2021 | Assignment Quiz: Biopsychology | due by 11:59pm |
Mon Apr 26, 2021 | Discussion Topic Discussion: Sensation and Perception | due by 11:59pm |
Assignment Study Plan: Sensation and Perception | due by 11:59pm | |
Tue Apr 27, 2021 | Assignment Quiz: Sensation and Perception | due by 11:59pm |
Mon May 3, 2021 | Quiz Midterm Exam | due by 11:59pm |
Mon May 10, 2021 | Discussion Topic Discussion: Memory Strategies | due by 11:59pm |
Assignment Study Plan: Memory | due by 11:59pm | |
Tue May 11, 2021 | Assignment Quiz: Memory | due by 11:59pm |
Mon May 17, 2021 | Assignment Assignment: Classical Conditioning | due by 11:59pm |
Assignment Assignment: Operant Conditioning | due by 11:59pm | |
Assignment Study Plan: Learning | due by 11:59pm | |
Tue May 18, 2021 | Assignment Quiz: Learning | due by 11:59pm |
Mon May 24, 2021 | Discussion Topic Discussion: Thinking and Intelligence | due by 11:59pm |
Assignment Study Plan: Thinking and Intelligence | due by 11:59pm | |
Tue May 25, 2021 | Assignment Quiz: Thinking and Intelligence | due by 11:59pm |
Mon May 31, 2021 | Discussion Topic Discussion: States of Consciousness | due by 11:59pm |
Assignment Study Plan: States of Consciousness | due by 11:59pm | |
Tue Jun 1, 2021 | Assignment Quiz: States of Consciousness | due by 11:59pm |
Mon Jun 7, 2021 | Quiz Final Exam | due by 11:59pm |