Word Unit Concepts/Objectives
Word Concepts
During this course, students will be introduced and practice the following concepts using the Microsoft Word software:
- Review Word Interface/Application
- Increase Word/Word Processing Vocabulary
- Identify Typing Speed
- Review Shortcuts to Navigation
- Apply Formatting Techniques
- Utilize Sorting Features
- Divide Text Into Columns
- Create Shaded Textbox
- Apply Special Text Effects
- Insert ClipArt/Graphics Into Documents
- Create Business Letters with Letterhead
- Utilize Word Template/Forms
- Utilize Word Table Feature/Compute Average
- Merge Data with Business Letters
- Add Business Envelope to Letters
- Create a Table of Contents
- Summarize Word Skills/Professional Memo
- Review Capitalization and Grammar Rules
Previous Module:
Week 1--Files, Computer Review, Web, PowerPoint Speed Up Your Work