File Practice Assignment
- Due Oct 5, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 55
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Management of Files/File Types
Assignment Objective: File Naming, Saving Web Pages in specific format or PDF Format, Compressing a Folder
Sample Solution
A Note about Filenames and Folder Names
It is important to name files with short, descriptive names to identify what is contained in a file. Often times, the computer software will suggest a name that is long. It is best to rename those long names. The same is true for naming folders. It considered best practice to add an underline between words on the filename, versus leaving the spaces.
The point of naming and organizing files and folders is related to time efficiency. If you take 20 or 30 minutes to find a file you created a week ago, it is truly an inefficient use of your time. It truly is frustrating to take that long to find a file.
Scanned Documents
If you have scanned a document, often times, it creates it's own filename (numbers), or a non-related name. Take the time to name files accordingly. If you have to backtrack to find a scanned document from the past, it is much easier to find it with a related name, than a set of meaningless numbers.
Part 1: Setup an Electronic Folder
Create a new folder on your storage device or local computer named File_Management. If you make an error in naming the folder, right click on it and rename it. Make sure you know where that folder is located. As you move through each of these assignments, save all the requested files below-in that folder.
Part 2: Rename a Scanned Document
Access the Files tab within the course. Find the Week 1 folder. Find the file with numerical digits on it. This naming system came when scanning it. Download the file onto your device, this is an option once you click on the file. Add you name on the resume, in the appropriate location. This is a ready made template available from Word. It's a simple, but effective style of resume.
Rename the file as Resume_FirstName_LastName (use yourname) using the Save As feature in Word, AND be sure to Save As a PDF file type. This is an option in the saving command, choosing which type of file you are saving. Make sure and save to the new folder you created in the last step. For a real resume, it is a good idea to save it as a PDF, so when emailing it to potential employers, it maintains its formatting and fits to the page as you intended.
Why Name/Rename/Organize? It is important to rename and organize files, so they have meaningful names, especially for business, employment or academic uses. Don't leave a set of numbers on a file, unless it has a specific meaning. Keep files organized in folders, so you don't spend time looking for a file.
Part 3: Dream Job (Save a Complete Web Page)
Use Chrome as a web browser for this assignment. Launch Chrome.
(You can download Chrome for FREE from the official website of Chrome
Links to an external site.).
- Search and find a company that you are interested working for in the future. This can be any company or organization that would be your “dream company”.
- Once you find your dream company, use the browser features to save the website.
- Find three dots in right corner (control/customize Chrome command)
- Click from command list MORE TOOLS, SAVE PAGE AS WebPage Complete.
- RENAME THE FILE so it is brief, but meaningful with an underline between each word. Direct/Save the file to the File Practice folder you made earlier.
- You may notice both a folder and file for this assignment.
Example of Filename: If my dream job is to work for Boeing, then my file name might be Boeing_Job.
Part 4: Dream Vacation (Save a Web Page in PDF format)
Use Chrome for this assignment as well.
- Think of a place you would like to visit. Find that location in your Chrome browser.
- Use the browser’s Print command which will allow you to save a copy of the home page as a PDF file. Look at the various settings to find it.
- Save the file with a short name including underlines between each word into your File_Management folder.
Example of Filename: If my dream vacation is in Australia, I might name the file Australia_Vacation.
Part 5: Compress All Files into One Folder, Then Upload
Make certain all the files for this assignment are in the folder. If not, go find the files and put them in the folder.
- Note: The dream job website will likely have both a folder and file, send both.
- Close the folder once all files are there.
- To compress the files, right click on the closed folder and Choose Send To>>Compressed folder. You should now see a folder with that same name, only it will have a zipper on the icon too. If using a MAC, compressing folders may have a different command. Google for those instructions if you don't know how to compress.
- We often zip multiple files, to help make it easier to send in one-step, versus uploading/attaching each file.
- Make sure everything is in order, and then upload/submit the folder to this assignment basket.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Setup/Create File Practice Folder
Rename File from digits to Resume with Student Name, Add Name on Template, Save AS PDF
Locate Web Site of Dream Vacation, Save File AS PDF FORMAT
Locate Web Site of Dream Job, Save As Web Page Complete Using Chrome
Accurate Spelling of Files and Folders, Shorten Names on Long Web Sites
Compress All Files Into File Practice Folder, Upload File
Total Points:
out of 55