
Designing Your Emails

Simple Format to Follow, Sample Idea Below


To: (Fill in, double check names)


CC: (Use if you want to copy someone)

BCC: (Use if you want to copy someone, but hide the names) 

Subject:  Include a brief, short statement



Short introduction sentence(s). Short paragraphs, or use a list as shown below.

  • Bulleted List Item/Explanation
  • Bulleted List Item/Explanation
  • Bulleted List Item/Explanation

 Closing Sentence(s)

 Signature of Student or Person


Things to Remember When Emailing.  How should an email message look?

  • Avoid indenting main sections of email.
  • Spell everything twice, read message to yourself aloud to catch errors.
  • Use CC (copy) to copy message to everyone.
  • Use BC (blind copy) to hide email addresses of recipients. (Usually a command you turn on.)
    • Some people prefer to have their emails private, using BC provides that.
  • Proofread subject line of email message too.
  • Avoid attaching large files/photos. Instead, compress files or zip into a folder.
  • If you attach files, make sure the names of the files are meaningful…do not attach scanned documents contain numbers for filenames, instead rename the files.
  • Keep it brief, but informative.
  • Always double check your recipients before hitting send.
  • Avoid forwarding lots of old email messages, delete what does not need passed along.
  • If you are attaching files, take time to name those files with meaningful names, rather than allowing a setup of numbers or generic filenames appear. 




Tips to StartingNext Module:
Week 1--Files, Computer Review, Web, PowerPoint