Word Document 5--Block Business Letter & Envelope
- Due Oct 12, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 70
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Document 5--Business Letter (Block Style)
Objective: Create a block business letter, with designed letterhead, and required parts of a business letter. Edit the form placeholder controls in the letter with new text. Create an attached, printable envelope.
Notes: Business letters are used daily in the world of work. Companies, organizations, and individuals might have a need for typing a professional style business letter with all the right components included. (Think about applying for a job, and needing a cover letter).
Sample Solution (Envelope Appears Above Letter)
Download File Open the Business Letter
- Open the Introductory Letter to a New Client template from your data files. A template is a predesigned document ready for you to use and edit. Saves time. Word has hundreds of pre-designed templates. This template will be used to edit and finish a business letter.
- This is a block style business letter template, ready for you to fill in. All lines start at left margin (hence, block style).
Select Text, Format Text
- Use Ctrl A to select the entire document. Change the font to 12-point, Arial.
- Change the top margin of the letter to .5" (Layout Tab, Margins Button, Custom Margins Settings)
- Save the File As: Document_5_XX (use your initials on the end).
Remove Placeholder Fields
- Remove the placeholder fields for the following return address fields fields: Your Name, Company Name and Street Address and City, ST and ZIP code (select and press delete). These can be tricky to delete. Click on the top left of the control field, find the dots, then hit the delete key. If you don't delete them and type in what you want, the text won't stay.
- Create a centered letterhead with the company information below. (See instructor sample in Files tab.)
- You can add bullet symbols between the address part, by using the Insert Tab>>Symbols Group>>Symbol Button (there are many to choose from)
Eastern Oregon Media Creations (20 Point Font)
166 North Main Street, Suite 2 (10 Point Font)
Pendleton, OR 97801 (10 Point Font)
(541) 276-9564 (10 Point Font)
EOMC@spirit.COMX (10 Point Font)
Add Border Line/Center Text
- Add a border line under the company letterhead, by highlight the address text, and choose Home Tab>>Paragraph Group>>Borders and Shading Button>>Bottom Border command.
- Left align, all the lines of the letterhead.
- Save your File with the name Document_5_Letter with your initials on the end. 'Add a related social media image from the online pictures button (Insert Tab>>Illustrations Group>>Online Pictures>>search for an image using bing.)
- Size the image to about 1 inch by 1 inch, change the text wrapping to tight (double click image, wrap text button, tight), and place it as shown in the sample solution.
Edit Date/Add Writer's Name
- Remove the placeholder field for the date and enter today’s date. (Tip: Click on the placeholder, then the top of it where it says Date, find the dots. Now touch your Delete key.)
- Include the date, spelled out (example: January 15, 2020). Leave two-four blank lines after the date. Dates in letters should not have dashes or slashes between digits.
- At the bottom of the letter, remove the placeholders for your name and title; instead add your name and then one line underneath your name, a title like Vice President, CEO, etc. You only need one job title.
Edit Text and Replace Words In Letter
- Fill in the remainder of the fields using this information, this is who the letter is being mailed too.
- Jayden Rothins
- Rollin River Enterprises, Inc.
- 1625 Riverview Drive
- Hermiston, OR 97838 (City, State and Zip belong on its own line)
- Delete the placeholder for the salutation/greeting, and replace with Dear Jayden:
- Use a colon behind the name, no comma in the Dear line (salutation)
- Company Name: Eastern Oregon Media Creations (there are two occurrences that need replaced in the body of the letter.)
- Those placeholder controls may need to be deleted, by clicking on the three dots of the control box. Otherwise, what you type, may not stay.
- Account Manager: Sharon Smith
- Phone: 541.278.5737
- Account Number: 90-34
Create Envelope
- Create an envelope using the mailings feature. (Tip: First place your insertion point on the delivery address (the recipient of the letter). Click on Mailings, Envelopes (verify you are using a #10 size envelope by selecting Options). Verify the Delivery address field contains the recipient of the letter (Jayden and his correct address, etc.)
- MAC users SAVE the letter before doing the envelope. It will put your envelope in a different file (okay for this assignment).
- PC users, follow the process as stated.
- The envelope will appear at the top of the letter. It can be printed easily by following the guides of your printer. Most printers have indicators on the feed tray to show you how to feed an envelope. Typed envelopes are very professional and are used for various reasons, like employment applications.
- Key in the name of the writer (you) and the company return address in the Return address field box. You should have four lines on the return address. Click on Add to document.)
- Make the font on the envelope, the same size and font as your letter. (12 pt. Arial)
- Save the letter and envelope as the filename Document_5_xx.
Final Checks
- Close and reopen the file and check that your information is included rather than the original placeholders. Fix as needed and save again.
- Check your work against the sample given.
- Review the scoring rubric to make sure you haven't missed something.
- Submit the letter/envelope.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Setup Letter, Font 12 Point, Margins Correct
Replace Placeholder Fields, Add New Text For Return Address
Add Border Line, Center Text in Letterhead, Use bullet symbol between letterhead parts.
Add Client Information, Recipient Name/Address
Create Envelope, Setup Correctly
No Spelling Errors, Typos, Punctuation Issues
Company Letterhead Setup/Complete, Size Appropriate, Position At Top Of Page
Use Bullet Symbols between parts of letterhead address.
Total Points:
out of 70