PowerPoint & Charts, GCF Topic 23
- Due Dec 7, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
PowerPoint--Adding Charts, Topic 23
Objective: Use PowerPoint to add audio to slides using the GCF Learn Free Website
In this assignment, you will need to access the GCF website to practice adding charts to a slideshow. Charts serve as visual representations of data. You've already practiced this in Excel, so this will reinforce some of what you already know! Let's get started.
- Read all steps listed below and then read and view all information in the topic online.
- Use this link to access the online activity: Topic 23, Charts (Links to an external site.).
- You may watch the video in the tutorial to learn more about inserting charts in PowerPoint, or read through the tutorial, or both!
Complete Challenge (Book Sales)
- At the end of reading and learning about inserting charts into a presentation, complete the Challenge. Keep reading below for additional helpful tips while completing the challenge.
- Follow the online instructions for Step 1. Save the Practice Workbook file. Then, close the Excel (Practice Workbook file).
- Now, use File, Save As to save the practice presentation as Charts_23 with your initials at the end of the filename.
Important Steps
- Continue following the online directions for Steps 2 and 3, BUT ONLY COPY the book type and first three months of the year data. (I don't want all months charted).
- Also, change the Young Adult category to Biography.
- After you've completed Step 3 (pasting part of the spreadsheet data), you will want to close the practice spreadsheet file and the spreadsheet window in PowerPoint. Then, continue with Steps 4 through 10.
- STEP 9: If the Switch Row/Column Button is grayed out, then use the Select Data Button to get to that option in another dialog box.
- Upon completion of Step 10, resave your file again.
- Use the Self-Check Key under Week 10 Files to compare your work.
- Upload the file to Canvas
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Open and save file as directed
Create Chart As Directed
Change Chart Data As Directed to Biography Not Adult
Only chart three months
Total Points:
out of 100