PLOA 7 - Ear and Eye Models

  • Due Feb 26, 2019 at 11:59pm
  • Points 15
  • Questions 15
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


PLOA 7 - Ear and Eye Models

You are allowed to use labs, your book, notes, and other resources when completing this assessment.  I recommend that you review the Eye Dissection (lab 7) Pre-Lab Documents are of the course website, as well as the labeled and unlabeled special senses (ear and eye) model images in the lab study guide area. There is no time limit. You are allowed to complete this assignment as many times as you'd like before the due date. Your highest score will be kept.

If you continue to do this assignment after the due date, it will not adversely affect your grade. The highest score that you earned before the assignment deadline will be used in the Canvas grade book. If you do this assignment after the deadline for practice, it will appear as though it is late even though it is NOT late, and no points will be deducted for tardiness.


Information Pertinent to the PLOA-7

  • Oval window ā€“ A membrane between the stapes and the vestibule of the labyrinth of the inner ear. The oval window translates vibrational energy from the stapes to the vestibule.
  • Round window - as the stapes moves into the oval window, the round window membrane moves out, and this allows movement of the fluid within the cochlea, leading to movement of the cochlear inner hair cells and thus hearing
  • Vestibule:  The central cavity of the bony labyrinth of each ear that contains two maculae
  • Semicircular canals: The 3 interconnected perilymph-filled tubes in 3 planes (x, y, z) that contain 3 cristae ampullae
  • Maculae: Specialized mechanoreceptors within the vestibule of each ear that detect static equilibrium. (There are 2 per ear.) These are the sites of transduction for static equilibrium.
  • Static equilibrium: The special sense that interprets that head position with respect to gravity, or it detects which way is up
  • Dynamic equilibrium: The special sense that interprets balance when the head is in motion such as when riding a bicycle, turning one's head from left to right, or during rotation
  • Cristae ampullae: Specialized mechanoreceptors within each semicircular canal of each ear that detect dynamic equilibrium. (There are 3 per ear.) These are the sites of transduction for dynamic equilibrium.
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