Using the Pixlr Editor

The previous tutorials manly focused on Pixlr Express. It is a great program for basic edits. However, sometimes one needs more control over the edits and more options. Pixlr Editor Links to an external site. gives you more, but not too much.

The main Pixlr Editor screen looks like this:

Pixlr Editor Window

The main parts of this screen are the image window, menu, toolbar, and several panels (Navigator, Layers and History are shown in the screen shot above).

The toolbar contains quick access to common tools. Tools referenced in the GCF tutorials for Pixlr Express include:


  • The crop tool: Pixlr Crop Tool
  • The marquee (select) tool: Pixlr Marque Tool
  • The zoom tool: Pixlr Zoom Tool
  • The magic wand tool: Pixlr Magic Wand Tool
  • The paint bucket tool: Pixlr Bucket Fill Tool

The toolbar contains many other tools we'll use in later tutorials and projects.

The Image menu includes options for re-sizing, simple rotation (90 or 180 degrees), or flipping an image or canvas:

Pixlr Image Menu


The Edit menu includes Free Transform for free rotation (any angle) and other transformations:

Pixlr Edit Menu, Free Transorf

The Adjustment menu contains image adjustment options including brightness & contrast, hue & saturation and many others:

Pixlr Adjustment Menu

The File menu includes options for opening a file, creating a new image and saving an existing image:

Pixlr File Menu\


Pixlr Editor Tutorials Links to an external site.

There are many image editing tools available. Check out this review from GCF Learn Free Links to an external site..