Google Drive Folder and File Sharing

Share with others

If you click the "Share" option for a file or folder you will see the "Share with others" window:

Google Drive Sharing with Others

Type the Google address for your instructor. Make sure the option "Can edit" is selected and hit "Send". Failure to correctly share files and folders with the instructors may result in no credit for an assignment!

It is also a good idea to add a note specifying why you are sharing the folder or file.

Getting a Shareable Link

Sometimes, instead of sharing directly with an individual, you need a link to the file or folder. In the image above, notice the Get shareable link option in the upper right corner. This allows you to get the URL to copy and paste as a link elsewhere.

There are two other ways to get this shareable link for a folder:

Method 1: Go into your drive so that you can see the folder that you want to share. Right-click on the folder and click Get shareable link.

Google Drive Get Shareable Link method 1 a

Click on the URL in the next pop-up window and use Ctrl-c to copy it.

Google Drive Get Shareable Link method 1 b

Now you can paste the URL as a link where ever you need it, e.g., in a Canvas Submission, a web page, or an email to others.

Method 2: In Google Drive with the folder open, click the arrow to the right of the folder name near the top of the window. Click Get shareable link.

Google Drive Get Shareable Link method 2 a

In the pop-up window that appears next, click on the URL and then Ctrl-c to copy it.

Google Drive Get Shareable Link method 2 b