Publish a Web Site
Publishing a Web Site
Once you're satisfied with how your web site looks on your own computer, you can publish it on the web so your page(s) can be viewed by others.
This term we'll be using WordPress to publish web pages. You will publish your web site folder by copying it to WordPress through the WP File Manager. To publish a web site, follow these steps:
- Double-check that all of the files for your web site are in one folder, appropriately named (no spaces or capital letters in the folder name!).
- Log in to WordPress Links to an external site. then click the "WP File Manager" link in your dashboard.
- You will see a mini file browser within WordPress with a folder view on the left and file view on the right. The top folder on the left will be titled with your first and last names (as you typed them in your WordPress profile) with no spaces. Make sure the top-level folder is selected and make a note of the folder name (you'll need it in a minute).
- Locate your web site folder on your computer. Upload the folder by dragging and dropping it into the WordPress File Manager file view (on the right).
- Your web site is now published! In order to view it open a new tab in your browser, then go to:
Where YourName is your name exactly as it was displayed in the WP File Manager. You might see a listing of all the web sites you've published, if you've published any yet. Click on a folder name to view the web site. When you submit a web assignment in this course, you will provide the link shown in the address bar on the main page of your web site, for example,
Note: Make sure you test the link to your folder before you submit any assignments. Check that all pages and images load correctly and that your links work. If images or links are broken, check your HTML to make sure you're using correct image filenames in the image src attribute; also check that the links between your pages are relative and not absolute.
Here's a screenshot of the WP File Manager for a user with several already published web sites:
Notice how all the web sites are in a single folder, the top-level one with the user's name.
To view the web sites in a web browser, this user would go to the URL
If this user needed to provide a direct link to web-project-2 (e.g. as an assignment submission in Canvas), the URL would be:
Updating A Published Web Site
To update a web site you've already published, simply follow the same steps above. When you copy the web site folder to WordPress, you will be asked if you want to replace the existing folder. Choose 'Yes' to replace the currently published files with the new ones.
Video Example
The following video contains a walkthrough of all the steps above.
WP File Manager Tutorial Video
Links to an external site.
More Examples
Some sample pages Links to an external site. and sample pages with blocks Links to an external site..