Viruses & Immunity

  • Due No due date
  • Points 10
  • Questions 10
  • Time Limit None


The following assignment is intended for after reading review of course materials.  Homework questions may be True/False, Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank or Matching.

These assessments are not timed and you are encouraged to use your textbook, notes, lecture materials and online references as needed to complete.



  • Student will recognize terminology and summarize concepts:
    • Be able to describe the general characteristics of viruses
    • Know the difference between lysogenic and lytic cycles
    • Know the terms and steps of viral replication
    • Be able to provide examples for the 3 lines of host defenses
    • Be able to describe immunity and resistance
    • Be able to distinguish between humoral and cell mediated, innate and adaptive, antigen vs antibody
    • Understand the significance of herd immunity


 Questions come from a question bank, so no two may be alike, although all content is in preparation for the exam.  If you are unsatisfied with your score, you can retake the homework (for a total of 3 attempts) up until the due date (it will likely generate new questions over the same content) and the highest score will be posted to your grade book.

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