Welcome to ECON 202
To see what you will be doing over the course of the next 10 weeks, click on the word, "Module," in the menu on the left side of the page.
Begin with the Start Here Module.
- The syllabus provides basic information about course requirements, grading, and a 1 page course schedule.
- It is in PDF format, so you can download or print it.
Discussions (on the menu on left side of the page)
Use this discussion topic to get to know your fellow students. Post a short introduction. Tell us about yourself. Are you interested in Economics or just taking a requirement? Any interesting experiences?
Questions or Comments about Course Content
Ask questions about Economics or about assignments. In many cases, other students will have the same questions. And often other students can provide helpful suggestions.
Current Issues
Economics is an interesting topic. No, really it is. If you come across an interesting article or website, you might want to share it with students. Or if you have an opinion you want to express, feel free. Just remember to be respectful of others’ viewpoints.
Weekly Modules
- Everything in this course is organized by week. Links to all assignments, lecture slides, and homework are grouped together.
- You will find a "to-do list" for each week.
Lecture Slides
- Each week will have a “lecture” consisting of PowerPoint slides that supplement the ideas presented in your book.
- These "lecture slides" take the place of a video of me talking which would require students to listen and take notes. The slides provide information and notes that can be consulted at any time. Please feel free to ask questions via an email or on the discussions.
- There are 6 assignments. They will be listed on the “to-do lists” and on the syllabus. You have 2 weeks to complete each homework. After each homework is graded, students have the option of submitting corrections for full credit.
- There are 10 quizzes (1 per week). The quizzes are based on the material covered in the weekly chapters and lecture slides. There are 2 attempts allowed on the quizzes.
- There are 2 exams: a midterm and a final exam. The midterm covers material in the first 5 weeks (6 chapters). The final covers the material in weeks 6 through 10 (6 chapters). Please check the Course Schedule (on the syllabus) for the specific chapters covered by each exam.
- Both exams are taken online. There is only 1 attempt allowed, and the exam must be taken during the dates specified. If you are unable to take the midterm or final during the dates listed on the modules, please let me know as soon as possible.
If you are ready to get started, go to Modules on the Course Menu and look at the Module for Week One.
Hope all of you enjoy the course.